Sunday, September 25, 2011


Instructions: Use the Answer sheet provided to answer questions about the images below. 
Image 1:

A residence in Florida, USA

Spanish architecture style, Miami Florida

Image 2:

A dining facility in an unknown location

Image 3:

A residence some where in the USA

Image 4:

A stadium in Beijing, China

Image 5:

A residence on the eastern seaboard of the USA

Image 6:

The lobby of an old theater in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Friday, September 23, 2011

POE BLOCK 4 FRIDAY(9/23) and MONDAY BLOCK 3 (9/26)

We are nearly finished with the mechanical advantage of simple machines! A great resource and review for the MA of Levers and Pulleys  can be found at the Khan Academy. These short video's do an excellent job of teaching these concepts:

Click here for the video on Pulley's

For Block 4 (odd) students the Quiz will be on Tuesday September 27, 2011
For Block 3 (even) students the quiz will be on Wednesday September 28, 2011

What will be on the quiz:
Calculating IMA, AMA, and static equilibrium for first, second, and third class levers, inclined planes, wheel and axle, and pulleys.

Monday, September 12, 2011

DDP Lesson 1.1.1 Brainstorming ideas

Use this image as a guide to make a similiar sketch on the paper provided.
If you are looking for the POE post then click here.
I f you are looking for the CEA post then click here

Sunday, September 11, 2011

CEA: Unit 1.1: History of Architecture and Civil Engineering

CEA: Unit 1.1: History of Architecture and Civil Engineering
September 12 and 13, 2011
Today we are going to gain a basic understanding of the historical development of civil engineering and architecture. To get started, would you please do the following:
1.      Open a Microsoft word document.
a.      Save the document as: your name ancient architecture (example: Myquan ancient architecture)
2.      Complete a web image search of “ancient buildings”
3.      Identify one building or structure that you find interesting
a.      Copy and paste the image of this building/structure onto a word document
b.      Copy and paste the web address of the site
4.      Explore the web site where you found this image and attempt to find the following information:
a.      where the structure is located In which ancient culture, empire, or dynasty  was it constructed
b.      Why was the structure built?
c.      Explain what about this structure you found interesting ( why did you choose this structure/building over the other search results appeared?)
5.      Make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct
6.      Type the following in the upper left corner of the document:
a.       your name
b.      CEA Ancient Architecture Research
c.      Date
d.      Your Class ( CEA Block___ ODD/EVEN)
7.      Print the document using the 200 b Lexmark printer
8.      Home work:
a.      You are to use this document in order to complete an annotated sketch of this design. Please use the information in today’s lesson about the civil engineering and architectural innovations (arches, vaults, columns, lentils, etc.) to describe your sketch. This sketch is due by Friday September 16, 2011

POE: Week of September 12 – 16

This week’s goal is to complete 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.1.4. in your POE curriculum and to prepare for an email interview with an engineer.
Today’s work (Part 1): Write a letter to an engineer with questions about the Engineering profession:
The purpose of this letter is to gain an understanding of the engineering profession to help you in this class and to help you explore career possibilities
Please follow these steps:
1.      Open a Microsoft word document:
2.      Save the document in your Z drive POE folder as your name email interview (example: Renaldo email interview)
3.      In the word document, write an introductory paragraph. Include your name, your year in high school, what HS you attend and its location, the purpose of your email to this engineer, and a polite request that this person agree to answer the questions you have prepared  below:
4.      Next, Copy and paste the information below into your word document

Professional Background
A.     Gather the information below.
a.     Interviewee name:
b.     Interviewee’s specific degree:
c.     Interviewee’s place of employment:
d.     Interviewee’s email address and/or phone:
Professional Interview
B.     Ask interviewee the questions listed below and record exact responses in your engineering notebook. If you wish to ask additional questions, seek instructor approval.
·       Please describe your engineering field. 

·       What is your current job title?

·       Please describe your particular job and duties.

·       What is your average work schedule? 

·       Starting with high school, describe your educational background chronologically. 

·       If you had it to do over, related to your career or education, would you do anything differently?

·       What advice would you give to me as someone interested in pursuing a career path similar to yours?  


5.      Now, just below the copy pasted section, write a short thank you paragraph to the engineer that is going to answer these questions. Thank the person for taking the time to provide you with this valuable information. You can also add that the information he/she gave you, has helped you to better understand the engineering profession and that this will help you in this class as well as in your career exploration.
6.      Close this word document. We will use this document next week

Today’s lesson (Part 2)

There will be a short presentation by your teacher when we have all completed writing these letters. If you are waiting for the others, please open your POE curriculum and do the following:
1.      Click on Unit 1.1 ( you  may have to click on the +  symbol next to Unit 1 to expand unit 1)
2.      Scroll to the bottom of the web page
3.      In presentations, find the Simple machines link
4.      Click on it to open the power point.
5.      Begin to review the slide show.
The teacher will review this presentation with you and then you will work in your teams to produce the following simple machines using the fischertechnik engineering kits:
·        A first class lever
·        A second class lever
·        A third class lever
·        A gear train with an Idler gear
·        A chain and sprocket system
·        An inclined plane

This week’s home work:
You are to make annotated sketches of the 6 simple machines in your engineer’s notebook:
1.      Lever
a.      Include the locations of the fulcrum, effort and resistance in the three classes of levers ( make three sketches)
2.      Wheel and axle
a.      Include the labels and locations of the wheel circumference, axle circumference, and wheel center.
3.      Pulley and belt system
a.      Sketch a fixed and movable pulley combination and the mechanical advantage of this system indicating the effort and resistance forces.
4.      Inclined plane
a.      Include the effort and resistance ( use arrows)
5.      Wedge
a.      Include the effort and resistance ( use arrows)
6.      Screw
a.      include the thread pitch ( threads per inch) and how that effects MA

The following websites are excellent resources for simple machines including interactive games, great diagrams, and information.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome to the 200B PLTW lab!!

Wednesday, THURSdaY, and Friday, SEPTEMBER 7, 8, 9, 2011

Introduction to:

·       Design and Drawing for Production (DDP)

·       Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA)

o       (On your class schedule, it will list as Architectural Drawing I and Architectural Drawing II)

·        Principles Of Engineering (POE)

Welcome to the Project lead the Way Engineering Curriculum! Which ever course you have been scheduled for will teach you the basic skills needed in the design and engineering professions. The DDP course will also meet your art credit needed for graduation and if you do really well, you can also qualify for college credit through the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

What today’s lesson will cover is:
  1. Short Video on PLTW
  2. An overview of Project lead the Way Courses and the PLTW learning environment including:
    1. Opening and using the Curriculum  on your desktop
    2. Opening curriculum lessons, re-naming, and saving them to your “Z” drive PLTW folder.
    3. Preparing, Printing, and submitting assignments
    4. Opening and previewing the software to be used in this course
  3. The basic behavior expectations while in PLTW lab 200B
  4. How you will be marked
  5. What resources you will need for this course
  6. Reviewing the course outline for UNIT 1 including the Unit 1 exam
  1. Be early for class: “If you are on time then you are late”
  2. Be prepared for class with all of the items required (see supply list below)
  3. Respect teachers and classmates by actively listening during the lesson time
  4. When working in teams, only talk with your teammates within your row
  5. At the end of class, return your work space to the condition that you found it in
    1. Computer logged off
    2. Keyboard and mouse placed on top of computer
    3. Chair pushed in
    4. Any tools, materials, or project components put away in appropriate location
    5. Any projects put  your assigned project shelf
    6. Any debris, scrap paper/card/foam board is discarded in the recycling bins
  6. Please follow the Thumper rule:
    1. If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all”
    2. This refers to avoiding hurtful and disrespectful words and actions. If you hear the teacher make a factual error then, by all means, respectfully bring his attention to this!
  7. Follow all the rules for safe computer use
    1. There is a list of Computer rules that are located at each computer as well as further down this blog post.
    2. Unfortunately, Students who violate some of these rules, have, in the past, either been removed from the class permanently with a failing grade or lost computer privileges in the SCSD
  8. Please refrain from computer use when the teacher is instructing the class unless using the computer is part of the instruction
  9. When or if you complete an assignment early, use the curriculum and go on to the next activity.  Refrain from using class time for your social networking or game playing.
  10. Make sure your cell phone is turned off and out of sight.  Cell phones that are visible will be collected and placed in a secure location for the duration of the class time.
  11. Do not bring any food or beverage into the computer room.

200B Computer Use Expectations
1.      Use the Internet only for research related to class work This computer does not belong to you; therefore do not place your own screen saver or desk top image onto the monitor
2.      Only Computer games related to PLTW curriculum are allowed and only when directly related to a specific lesson.
3.       There is not enough time in  the PLTW curriculum lessons to use social networking so please refrain from visiting your face book, MySpace, twitter, or any other website not related to this course
4.      Please refrain from cell phone or mp3 player recharging, uploading, or downloading
5.      Respect the  computer hardware by using it with care
6.      Always log off and take your flash drive before leaving
7.      Food and beverage are not allowed in the 200b computer lab
How you will be marked:

% of total grade
Lesson Activities
Home work
Unit Exam
Portfolio: (Binder, notebook and being prepared for class)

What you will need for this course (supplies)
  1. A Binder (recycle an old one!)
  2. A grid paper notebook
  3. Pencils
  4. Black Pens
  5. Flash drive (optional but very useful)

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