Tuesday, December 15, 2015

IED Dimensioning your puzzle parts in Autodesk Inventor

This video shows you how to use the baseline dimensioning tool to dimension your puzzle parts

Friday, December 11, 2015

IED Puzzle Project: Autodesk Inventor Tutorials

Here are two video's that might be helpful for completing your Puzzle Project. Click on  "click here" to get to the video's
This video shows you how to assemble your parts in a standard IAM file: CLICK HERE

This video shows you how to format a DWG file and create a multiview drawing: CLICK HERE

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

IED Statistics

Directions: Open your excel file that has your measurements of your cubes. Then watch the video's to complete three tasks. When you are done, please raise your hand to be checked off.




Monday, November 23, 2015

Residential Structures Period 5/6

Please get some of the grid paper from the box near the door as well as a pencil.
Complete sketches of the diagrams that are located from the  links below.
There are three sketches due. 

When you are done, hand your sketches to the substitute teacher Ms. Fegley

1. Sketch this diagram:  CLICK HERE
2. Sketch this diagram CLICK HERE
3. Sketch this diagram CLICK HERE

How each sketch will be marked:
1. Quality of sketching (40)
2. Neatness of Notes and Arrows: (40)
3. The report from Ms. Fegley that you cleaned up at the end of class (20)

Monday November 23 lesson for IED periods 3, 7/8 and 10

Please do the following:
  1. Go to the table by the door and pick up these supplies
    1. 1 sheet of Engineering notebook paper
    2. 1 pencil
    3. 1 marker
    4. 1 black plastic fischertechnik engineering block
    5. 1 dial caliper
  2. Make a beautiful sketch of the Marker ( 20 points)
  3. Make another beautiful sketch of the engineering block ( 20 points)
  4. Now take your dial calipers and  practice measuring
  5. Complete 5 different measurements of each item
  6. For the marker, measure the length, outside diameter, length of the cap and two other areas ( you pick) (20 points)
  7. Write your measurements on your sketches showing where you measured
  8. For the engineering block, measure the width, height, and depth. Then measure the depth of the grooves and the diameter of the attachment pin at the top (20 points)
  9. Make sure to place your name, date, and title of the drawing ( Dial caliper practice) in the title block of the engineering note paper (20 points)
  10. Here is a link to a reminder on how to read the calipers: Click Here

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

IED PUZZLE PROJECT Inventor Part Example

So you are ready to make your puzzle parts in  Auto desk Inventor?
Why don't you try this example first? This will give you a good review of using Auto desk Inventor and maybe the example is similar to one of your actual parts!!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Civil Engineering and Architecture Period 1 Thursday October 29, 2015 Lesson

Good Morning!

Please get the following materials for this activity:

  1. A nice sharp pencil ( Please return if you are using a class pencil)
  2. 4 or 5 sheets of white paper ( not grids!)
  3. A black pen ( optional)

Instructions: The link below will take you to a power point of ten images of architecture. You are to create super fast ( this type of sketching is called Rapid VIZ) three dimensional sketches of these structures. A suggestion would be to use your watch or phone to time yourself. Spend no more than 4 minutes per sketch! GO FAST!!!! Some of your sketches you will HATE but don't throw them out! I guarantee that at least one or two or even more of your sketches you will actually be very proud of...just remember to go fast and get all ten completed in this class period.


Monday, October 26, 2015

CEA Period 1 Monday October 26, 2015

Hi! Here is a link to your assignment for today:
Click Here
Complete a beautiful reproduction of this Isometric rendering:

Friday, October 16, 2015

IED Practice Drawing Assessment

Make sure you use the correct paper for each sketch. Isometric grid for ISO, square grid for Oblique, and white paper for two point perspective.

Here are the answers. Please try to draw as much as you can before you look at the answers. Remember, this is practice for the test!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Unit 2 Technical Sketching: Two Point Perspective

All classes must do this activity ( It will be checked!!!)

  • Period 1: CEA
  • Period 3: IED
  • Period 5/6: Residential Structures
  • Period 7/8: IED

October 15, 2015

Directions: Today you are going to draw a Two Point Perspective. The link below will take you to a step by step tutorial that will show you how to do this technique.
1. What you need in order to begin:

  • White paper ( no grids)
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Straight edge ( ruler or plastic Triangle "set square")

2. Next clear the area in front of your computer so you can work
3. Click here and then go through the entire power point so you can see what you are drawing then go back to SLIDE 1 and begin



Keep your sketches in your notebook and please return all pencils, erasers, and straight edges before leaving

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

IED Unit 2 Topic: Oblique Pictorial Sketching

Please complete the 5 Oblique sketching exercises by clicking on the links. Each sketch should be shaded. Keep these sketches in your notebook
Problem 1: Click Here
Problem 2: Click Here
Problem 3: Click Here
Problem 4: Click Here
Problem 5: Click Here

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Instructions for Your lessons on Thursday October 8, 2015

STUDENTS! Complete this work for class today!!!
It will be checked on Friday. If you do Zero work, then expect a Zero grade!!

Period 1: Civil Engineering and Architecture:

Please get some sketching paper , pencils, and rulers, and complete sketches of your model project showing the sizes of the walls, perimeter and height of walls. Each student must complete at least one sketch. Sketches can be of different house or building structures if you still have not decided on what you are building.

If you get done early, then use color pencils to make your sketches more attractive. Search these terms for ideas: Architectural Rendering  and Thumb nail sketches

I will check your sketches for quality and effort!

Period 3: Introduction to Engineering Design

Continue to complete your isometric sketches found at: www.nottinghamtechnology2.blogspot.com. ( you can see these just below this post). Make sure you shade and label each sketch. If you are finished, then conduct a web search for: ISOMETRIC SKETCHES and choose three problems from the web to sketch. I will really appreciate any extra sketches with extra points added to your Unit 1 Test grade. ( 3 points added for every extra sketch you do!!!). Don't RELAX!!! Work hard and get rewarded!!

Period 5/6: Residential structures

Create a 10 slide power point of different Wood Work Projects that you find interesting and would like to make. Each slide should have one idea that includes the image that you found on the internet, the web address where you found it, and a label that explains what it is. Below is an example: Ideas should be projects that you think that you can make as a beginner in wood working!! If you cant see how it goes together, then you probably should not choose the idea.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Isometric Sketching Assignment #1

Please click on each link and sketch the Isometric problem. Add tonal shading to each sketch and make sure to label the sketch number

Number 1: Click Here
Number 2: Click Here
Number 3: Click Here
Number 4: Click Here
Number 5: Click Here
Number 6: Click Here
Number 7: Click Here
Number 8: Click Here
Number 9: Click Here
Number 10: Click Here

Note: You can ignore numbers or measurements and sketch the objects only

Friday, October 2, 2015

IED Design Process Assessment

Please click on the link below to open the Design Process Template. Save the template to your Z drive as your name dp test ( example: Xavier dp test). You should understand that by using this template and not your own publisher doc, you CAN NOT earn a grade higher than an 89. But if you submit an incomplete Design Process flow chart, you can not earn a grade better than a 79. Only use your Design process design if it is complete!!!

Click here for the Template

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

IED Periods 3, 7/8 and 10 Design Process

Use the paper, pencils, color pencils, and straight edges to create a quality sketch of this diagram. You will use this diagram sketch to complete your Design Process Assessment.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Check out the work of Architect Vo Trong Nghia!!

CEA Students ( and any other interested students!) please click on the link below to be taken to an Al jazeera profile of the Vietnamese architect Vo Trang Nghia.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Introduction to Using Auto Desk Inventor software

Hello IED students in periods 3, 7/8 and 10!

Many of you have been asking about the work that we will do in this class this year. If you click on the link below it will take you to an instruction guide for making a basic Auto Desk Inventor Computer Aided Design (CAD). This is an example of some of the work we will be doing!


Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday 9/14 Review of the Rules and Procedures Activity

Welcome to Week 2!

Last week we had our first lesson on the rules and some of the procedures that we need to follow when working in gw3 or the shop. Please click on Link 1( below) to open a word document of questions that I would like you to answer. Make sure that you follow the steps at the bottom of the word ducument to save your completed document into your Z drive.
Click on Link 2 to be taken to  the power point presentation that was used on last Tuesday. If you were not in the class yet last Tuesday then Great!! This activity will give you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with our rules and procedures

Link 1 (Word Document)
Link 2 ( Power Point Presentation)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

IKEA Design Challenge Activity

 This is the Day 2 2015 Activity for all Classes

Here is the link to the IKEA design Challenge Activity sheet:

Click Here

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day One 2015 2016 School Year: Welcome Back to School!!

Welcome to Nottingham Technology 2! 

This site will be your go to place for notes, assignments, and any information about your technology course. This image is of the day 1 bell ringer. Make sure you get this information copied into your notebook ( when you get your notebook, that is!)


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

IED Wednesday May 6, 2015 Practice Test # 3

IED Periods 7/8 and 10:
Please CLICK HERE to be taken to practice test # 3. Download the test and complete the exam on the exam  document. Save the test for review tomorrow


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Introduction To Engineering Design Practice exam #2

April 30, 2015

Instructions: Please click here to be taken to the practice exam. Download the test and save it in your Z drive. Highlight the correct answer or write in the answer where appropriate.

PLTW Formula sheets are available on the web by searching in google under: PLTW Formula Sheets

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Reviews of the historical references and scientific accuracy behind the film Interstellar:

Reviews of the historical references and scientific accuracy behind the film Interstellar:

1.     This article explains that the current understanding of black holes and wormholes are that they would be to unstable to allow space travel through them but they theoretically do create “shortcut” through space.
a.     Would Astronauts Survive an Interstellar Trip Through a Wormhole? Well, it depends on your definition of "wormhole"
                                                    i.     By  of smithsonian.com 
                                                  ii.     Click on this link to go to the article: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/would-astronauts-survive-interstellar-trip-through-wormhole-180953269/?no-ist
2.     This article profiles  Physicist Kip Thorne, who served as the science advisor for the film Interstellar:
a.     Wrinkles in space time: The warped Astrophysics of Interstellar
                                                    i.     By Adam Rogers
                                                  ii.     Click on this link to go to the article: www.wired.com/2014/10/astrophysics-interstellar-black-hole/
3.     Here is a link to a question and answer website where participants wonder why the planet earth is in such bad shape at the beginning of the movie Interstellar.
4.     This link takes you to the PBS documentary by Ken Burns on the Dust bowl of the 1930’s. In the movie Interstellar, the beginning shows elderly people talking about how bad the dust was. This is a clear reference to what happened to farming during the great depression in the states of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.
a.     The Dust Bowl: A film by Ken Burns
                                                    i.     Click on this link to be taken to the  film: http://www.pbs.org/kenburns/dustbowl/
5.     This link will take you to a BBC documentary about the Great Irish Potato famine of the 1840’s. The movie Interstellar refers to “blight” as a cause for crop failure. This is a reference to the mass starvation that took place when blight destroyed the crops of Ireland.
a.     The Great Famine (BBC)


Click here to go to the test.
Download the exam and save it in your Z drive or desktop.
Complete the test by indicated your answers on the test. Where you need to sketch, then do that on a separate piece of paper. This paper will be kept in a file that we will keep in GW3.

Friday, April 17, 2015

IED Parametric Constraints Activity

Click on the link below to be taken to the power point of the procedures for completing the parametric constraints activity.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Period 10 survey

Good Afternoon:
Please click  where it says Click here and take the survey. it will only take 5 minutes


Monday, March 23, 2015


Directions: Create a standard dwg A size title block sheet. Then reproduce the section view of the  drawing you did for the Friday test. make your dwg look exactly like this. Don't forget to  complete the title block file name and your name. Print out your result. Good Luck !!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

IED 3D Modeling Assessment

Please click below to be taken to the assessment directions.


Sunday, March 1, 2015


Introduction: This post will contain useful tutorials for some of the parts of the button maker. Click on the part name to be taken to a Google doc presentation of this part. I hope that these tutorials are helpful.





Page 5: PART #10: SOCKET HEAD SCREW (Use this link to take you to a chart that shows all the important Information needed to make the socket head screw)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dial caliper Quiz

Directions: Use the answer sheet provided to write down the readings for the dial caliper settings below.
Dial caliper setting Number 1: Read the setting and write on the answer sheet. You may copy this image and paste it into a power point slide and then rotate if you like.

Dial caliper setting Number 2: Read the setting and write on the answer sheet. You may copy this image and paste it into a power point slide and then rotate if you like.

Dial caliper setting Number 3: Read the setting and write on the answer sheet. You may copy this image and paste it into a power point slide and then rotate if you like.

Dial caliper setting Number 4: Read the setting and write on the answer sheet. You may copy this image and paste it into a power point slide and then rotate if you like.

Dial caliper setting Number 5: Read the setting and write on the answer sheet. You may copy this image and paste it into a power point slide and then rotate if you like.

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