Thursday, November 1, 2012

CEA Unit 1 Exam question images 11 through 20

Questions 11 and 12: Image of a dormitory at Syracuse University found at:

Questions 13 and 14: Image of SU New House 3 building found at:

Questions 15 and 16:  Image of the National Grid (formerly known as the Niagara Mohawk) found at:

Questions 17 and 18: Image of the Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse, New York found at:

Questions 19 and 20: Image of a Green home that will possibly be built on the west side of Syracuse found at:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Creating an Assembly using Autodesk Inventor

Click on the link Below to take you to a power point that gives the step by step directions for assembling a puzzle part using 5 puzzle cubes

Click here to get to the power Point

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

IED Periods 7/8 and 10 for Thursday October 25, 2012

Hello Everybody!

Today you are going to do more practice with 2 point perspective.

I have created a power point presentation that you can access by clicking on the link below.

Instructions:  Please use the paper, Set squares (plastic triangles) and pencils provided to complete these drawings. There are two drawings due for today. The first one can be completed by following along with the power point. At the end of the power point are three more sketches. Please pick any ONE of these and try your absolute level best to complete it! Shade it, detail it, have fun and be creative!!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

IED Paper Bridge Design Idea (an example)

Here is an example of the kind of note making, sketching, and designing that is expected of you for the Paper Bridge Project. You have the entire period to design. Make all of your design sketches and notes in your engineers notebook. If your partner, makes a great design sketch, then you must make sure you copy it into your notes as well. This is 33% of your grade so do an excellent job!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

CEA Period 1 Lesson for Friday September 21, 2012

Good morning CEA Block 1 students. I am very sorry to be out again today. I have seen your 200b floor plan sketches and many of them reflect good concept sketching technique. Some of the work station configurations (where you place the computers) are very interesting.
Q. What is a work station?
A. It’s a space where one or more workers can achieve a high level of productivity.
Q. What tasks would a civil engineer/Designer/Architect do to be highly productive?
A. They would be sketching, computer modeling, prototyping designs through scaled physical model production, meeting with other team members, and keeping some equipment close by that would allow them to quickly leave the work space in order to go to the job site.

Today’s task: Would you please create an electronic document (Microsoft word) that will explore possible solutions for the following question:
What would an ideal work station for a student of civil engineering and architecture look like?
 You are to use your online research skills to find a minimum of 3 images of “work stations” that would look like they could achieve the following:
1.      Allow for comfortable sketching
2.      Have some storage space for the following tools, equipment, and safety clothing. (NOTE: look  up any unfamiliar terms in an image search so you can learn what they look like):
a.      Surveyor’s auto level and tripod
b.      Surveyor’s measuring rod
c.      100’ steel tape measure
d.      Hard Hat
e.      Safety Glasses
f.       1 Pair of steel toed work boots
3.      Have space for a Lap Top Computer that can connect to a large monitor ( 20” or more)

 How to complete this assignment successfully!!

  1. Copy paste the 3 images into a Microsoft word document (  21 points per image)
  2. For each image, use a text box (found in the insert tab) to create a caption.
  3.  Each caption should explain the following: 
    1.     what about the image is appealing to you (4 points per image) 
    2.   how big you think this space is (width X Depth in feet) (4 points per image) 
    3.   The website where you found this image ( 4 points per image)
Save the document in your Z drive as your name work station ideas (example: Robert work station ideas)

Monday, September 10, 2012

IED Lesson for Monday and Tuesday (9/10 & 11/2012)

Good Morning/Afternoon!

Please use these links to assist you with the 1.7 activity. If you are using a school computer, you will not be able to open the YouTube links.

So tell me, why do you want to be an engineer?

 I am an Engineer:

Engineering Careers Intro:

Engineering Achievements:

Women in Engineering:

Discover Engineering. 

Engineering Degrees 101. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sketching Activity #1

Good Morning/Afternoon! This is the activity for Thursday September 6 for IED, CEA, and POE: Today you are going to begin sketching using a #2 pencil on a piece of white construction paper.

Use this image to assist you in making your sketch. The top lines should be done quickly. Hold the paper so that you can make your lines over and over again with as little effort as possible. This technique is called "Hatching."

The bottom shapes are best drawn by creating a lightly sketched square or rectangle and then completing the shape inside of the square/rectangle. This technique is called "crating."  

Click on the image to enlarge it so that you can see it better.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Mr. McGinty's First Day of School Activity

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2012

Introduction to:

·       Design and Drawing for Production (DDP)

·       Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA)

o       (On your class schedule, it will list as Architectural Drawing I and Architectural Drawing II)

·        Principles Of Engineering (POE)

Welcome to the Project lead the Way Engineering Curriculum! Which ever course you have been scheduled for will teach you the basic skills needed in the design and engineering professions. The DDP course will also meet your art credit needed for graduation and if you do really well, you can also qualify for college credit through the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

What today’s lesson will cover is:
  1. Short Video or slide show on PLTW
  2. An overview of Project lead the Way Courses and the PLTW learning environment including:
    1. Opening and using the Curriculum  on your desktop
    2. Opening curriculum lessons, re-naming, and saving them to your “Z” drive PLTW folder.
    3. Preparing, Printing, and submitting assignments
    4. Opening and previewing the software to be used in this course
  3. The basic behavior expectations while in PLTW lab 200B
  4. How you will be marked
  5. What resources you will need for this course
  6. Reviewing the course outline for UNIT 1 including the Unit 1 exam
  1. Be early for class: “If you are on time then you are late”
  2. Be prepared for class with all of the items required (see supply list below)
  3. Respect teachers and classmates by actively listening during the lesson time
  4. When working in teams, only talk with your teammates within your row
  5. At the end of class, return your work space to the condition that you found it in
    1. Computer logged off
    2. Keyboard and mouse placed on top of computer
    3. Chair pushed in
    4. Any tools, materials, or project components put away in appropriate location
    5. Any projects put  your assigned project shelf
    6. Any debris, scrap paper/card/foam board is discarded in the recycling bins
  6. Please follow the Thumper rule:
    1. If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all”
    2. This refers to avoiding hurtful and disrespectful words and actions. If you hear the teacher make a factual error then, by all means, respectfully bring his attention to this!
  7. Follow all the rules for safe computer use
    1. There is a list of Computer rules that are located at each computer as well as further down this blog post.
    2. Unfortunately, Students who violate some of these rules, have, in the past, either been removed from the class permanently with a failing grade or lost computer privileges in the SCSD
  8. Please refrain from computer use when the teacher is instructing the class unless using the computer is part of the instruction
  9. When or if you complete an assignment early, use the curriculum and go on to the next activity.  Refrain from using class time for your social networking or game playing.
  10. Make sure your cell phone is turned off and out of sight.  Cell phones that are visible will be collected and placed in a secure location for the duration of the class time.
  11. Do not bring any food or beverage into the computer room.

200B Computer Use Expectations
1.      Use the Internet only for research related to class work This computer does not belong to you; therefore do not place your own screen saver or desk top image onto the monitor
2.      Only Computer games related to PLTW curriculum are allowed and only when directly related to a specific lesson.
3.       There is not enough time in  the PLTW curriculum lessons to use social networking so please refrain from visiting your face book, MySpace, twitter, or any other website not related to this course
4.      Please refrain from cell phone or mp3 player recharging, uploading, or downloading
5.      Respect the  computer hardware by using it with care
6.      Always log off and take your flash drive before leaving
7.      Food and beverage are not allowed in the 200b computer lab
How you will be marked:

% of total grade
Lesson Activities
Home work
Unit Exam
Portfolio: (Binder, notebook and being prepared for class)

What you will need for this course (supplies)
  1. A Binder (recycle an old one!)
  2. A grid paper notebook
  3. Pencils
  4. Black Pens
  5. Flash drive (optional but very useful)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Good Morning!

  1. Please get out your engineers notebooks and submit them to the teacher. You may pick these up on June 21 or in September.

  2. Please get out your study guides ( the one page of notes you are allowed to have for the exam).

  3. Please get out your formula sheets or get a formula sheet from the front of the room.

  4. Scrap paper is located on the brown table in the middle of the room.

  5. You will have 60 minutes to take this exam. Once 60 minutes have passed the test will automatically log you out.

  6. At any time during the exam, if you have any technical difficulties, immediately raise your hand or gain the attention of Mr. English or Mr. McGinty so that we can assist you.

  7. Good Luck!!!

  8. You will need to paste or write this site code in the site code bar: NW01-2238

  9. Please click on the link below and login to begin your exam. 

  10. Remember to allow pop ups if you are not being allowed to login.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Please click on this link and read the article in Forbes about innovation and school:

Monday, June 4, 2012

End Of Course Assessment Login

Good Morning/Afternoon:

Please copy this site code: NW01-2238
Next click on this link and then paste in the site code where indicated.
Your   user name and password should be the same as what you use to access a school computer

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